The Digital Signage System from Open Technology Company is a system that uses digital display technologies to publish information and variable content on electronic screens that can be located in various places such as stores, restaurants, commercial centers, hospitals, and other public places.

Definition of  Digital Signage System From Opentech

The Digital Signage System from Open Technology Company is a system that uses digital display technologies to publish information and variable content on electronic screens that can be located in various places such as stores, restaurants, commercial centers, hospitals, and other public places.

Digital signage system is used to display various content such as advertisements, information, news, instructions, and any type of content that can be presented by digital media.

A digital signage system includes several basic elements:

  • Layout design: In which content elements can be arranged and designed on the screen, it includes placing text, images, video clips, and other multimedia components to create an enjoyable and effective template, in addition to the possibility of modifying or deleting it.









The board design capabilities in a digital signage system vary depending on the systems used.

​The Open Technology Company is granted some powers, including:

    • Create new signage: New digital signage can be created based on their needs.

    • Edit signage: The content of existing digital signage can be modified, such as updating text or replacing images and videos.

    • Delete signage: Digital banners that are available in the system can be deleted or their display may be frozen except at certain times.




  •  A playlist is a collection of digital content (images, videos, layout) used to arrange the content and to play it in a specific sequence and at a specific time on the digital signage screen. These menus are used to display various content, advertisements, messages or any information you wish to present on your digital signage.



Steps from editing to publishing:

  1. Edit: Simply select a template of your choice, make changes as needed on the color, image, shapes or text.
  2. Save: Save the image after edits. The template is saved in the system so you can also use it for future purposes.
  3. Publish: One the edits are made and save, you can upload the design template for the screens and schedule and push it to the screens.